May 18, 2005 

May 18, 2005


Today we had a Prayer Breakfast for our Unit. We had invited a guest speaker by the name of George Packard to come speak. He is a Bishop of the Armed Forces and a decorated Vietnam platoon leader who was responsible for killing over 150 vietnamese. As you can see, we really do a lot of work to make our prayer breakfasts look nice.

I had the opportunity to speak a little at the Prayer Breakfast and to read some scripture. Normally the Chaplain does this, but I am trying to get more involved with the Christian soldiers in the Unit, so I thought this would be a good opportunity.

Later on in the day at 1:00 P.M. I had an English Class to teach to the Katusas. I teach once every few months to them and try to make it interesting. This time we played games and learned what some American Idioms were and thier meanings.

Here are the Katusa putting together a skit for the class.

This isn't a geeat picture of me, but here I am giving the class to the Katusas.

After work, Jung had invited me to teach some English to some people at his church. When I got there we met up with some young kids and teenagers and a few adults. They were Mongolians who had come to Korea and had learned some Korean, but were interested in learning English as well. I was a little skeptical as to how this was going to work, but Jung assured me it would be OK.

At the church we went into a small classroom and I just started talking english to them. They understood a little, but were asking Jung questions in korean. Jung would then tell me what they said in english and I would give him the answer, and he would tell it back to them in korean. it was a little odd, but I had fun teaching.

Jung with one of the mongolian kids in the class. Jung wants me to teach english to them every week now. I'm going to have to prepare some classes for the next time.

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